TEAS Exam Online Asynchronous Preparation and Review Course


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TEAS Exam Online Asynchronous Preparation and Review Course

Embarking on a journey in the healthcare field? The first step is often the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) exam. We understand that preparing for such an important test can be daunting, which is why we have designed the TEAS VIII Exam Online Asynchronous Preparation and Review Course. This updated course reflects the latest version of the TEAS exam!

This course is the result of over 15 years of experience in teaching pre-nursing and allied health courses. It has been meticulously crafted to provide comprehensive preparation for the TEAS exam, with a focus on Mathematics, Anatomy and Physiology, Science, Reading and English.

What sets this course apart is its asynchronous format. This means you can access the course material at any time that suits you, allowing you to learn at your own pace. The course includes over 200 tailored lecture and concept videos, detailed lecture notes, e-textbooks, quizzes, a pre-assessment exam, and practice tests.

Here’s why our course stands out:

Experience and Expertise: Our course is designed by an instructor with over 15 years of experience in teaching pre-nursing and allied health courses. This wealth of experience ensures that the course content is tailored to the needs of TEAS exam takers.

Asynchronous Learning: Unlike many other courses, our course is asynchronous, meaning you can access the course material at any time that suits you. This flexibility allows you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule.

Comprehensive Content: Our course includes over 200 tailored lecture and concept videos, detailed lecture notes, e-textbooks, quizzes, a pre-assessment exam, and practice tests. This comprehensive content coverage ensures you are well-prepared for every aspect of the TEAS exam.

  • Pre-Assessment Exam:This timed exam mimics the TEAS format and provides an accurate understanding of your standing before delving into the course.
  • Video Lectures:Gain access to over 200 lecture and concept videos specifically tailored to the TEAS exams. The short “concept videos” range from 10 – 15 minutes, while in-depth lecture videos extend from 45 minutes to an hour. These videos are accessible at your convenience through D2L, allowing for unlimited viewing throughout the course period.
  • Books and Lecture Notes:The course material includes five e-textbooks and provides detailed lecture notes as well as PowerPoint that go beyond basic concepts, incorporating examples, images, diagrams, and supplementary readings relevant to the topics.
  • Quizzes:Each topic/chapter includes specifically designed quizzes to evaluate your grasp of TEAS exam concepts. These timed quizzes offer a realistic online exam experience. You can take these quizzes as many times as you wish during the course period. The quizzes are graded immediately through D2L.
  • Post-Assessment Practice Exams:Reserved for post-course completion, the multiple practice tests serve as excellent preparation for the timed online exam format of the actual TEAS exam.

Proven Success: This course has been successfully used by students from various colleges. The success of these students attests to the effectiveness of our course.

This course is designed to help you succeed. So, join us today and take a significant step toward your healthcare career!